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Jason Pawlak

Me and my Internet

Husband, Dad, Navy Officer, Coder, and Tinkerer. I have many interests and am always looking to learn something new. This site is a launching point to the many areas of the Internet that represent me.

Sad Eyes

Little Lady is getting pretty good at feeding herself at the table.  Unfortunately, she is also getting pretty good at feeding the dogs at the table…

This afternoon, we had a lunch out.  The high chair was pulled up close to the table and her placemat full of cheese, peas, cantaloupe, olives, and peaches.  And Little Lady was making the transition to Ms. Trouble Maker.

She would pick up peas, bring them close to her mouth, but keep them moving and throw them on the ground (where the dogs normally would be).  Wife and I would both give her a corrective “Eh eh…”

This went on for more than a few repetitions.

Eventually I leaned over, got Little Lady’s attention and looked her straight in the eyes and told her “no”… nothing forceful, nothing loud, nothing mean, just “no”.

She stared back and me for what seemed like 3 or 4 hours… time started to slow down…

Her eyes started to sparkle…

Her lip started to quiver…

Her eyes kept a constant lock on mine…

And then the tears and that oh-so-sad cry surfaced.

I felt my heart get ripped from my chest and had to look away to keep from tearing up myself!  I just made my baby Little Lady cry!

This was a first.  I wish so much it be the last… but I know it will not.  Little Lady gets smarter each and every day and she is starting to test her boundaries…

I always said those sad eyes wouldn’t get me… eh… oh well…

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